Physiotherapy Treatment for Hip Pain
Hip Physiotherapy Clinic
Seeing a health specialist physio early allows for a quick diagnosis before your body begins to adapt and compensate in function.

Hip and Groin Injury treatment
Our extensive hip and groin experience
At Australian Sports Physiotherapy, our experienced physiotherapists have years of hands-on experience in the diagnosis and management of hip and groin pain.
Being the largest joint of the human body, the hip joint is not only designed for stability and weight bearing; but a large range of movement. However, injuries to the hip and groin are quite common and sometimes difficult to assess due to the numerous structures involved.
Hip physiotherapy can help get you back on track by providing you with an in depth examination and physical assessment, evidence led treatments and outcome based management plans for your irritable hip.
What are some common hip conditions?
Hip pain can be caused by everything from muscle injuries to inflammatory diseases. However, gentle hip exercises can often help reduce pain and improve mobility.
- Hip osteoarthritis
- Femoral Acetabular Impingement Syndrome (FAIs)
- Acetabular labral tears
- Ligamentum Teres tear
- Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome (GTPs)
- Gluteus medius / minimus tendon tears
- Trochanteric Bursitis
- ITB friction syndrome
- Hip Flexor pain
- Hip Instability
- Abductor muscle injuries

Hip Physiotherapy Services
When should I see a physiotherapist for hip pain?
Pain in or around your hip can arise for various reasons including overuse injuries, traumatic events or even insidiously without you realising.
It is important to see a physio after a traumatic injury such as a sports injury or accident, if your discomfort becomes continuous over a few days, limits your physical function/work or wakes you up at night.
Hip and Groin Injury treatment
What to expect from your first appointment?
As part of the in-depth consultation process, our physiotherapists will determine the exact cause of your injury and develop a customised plan to best manage your pain moving forward.
Patient education is a vital component of how we work. We use anatomy programs to help you understand your condition and the treatment options available to you.
We use a hands-on approach to restore optimal function and address physical imbalances that may cause you a variety of symptoms.
When you see us, you can expect:
- Thorough physical examination and diagnosis
- Professional advice & interpretation of medical imaging & tests
- A tailored treatment plan based on your goals
Hands on treatment
Education and advice regarding your diagnosis - A close relationship with GPs, class-leading Orthopaedic surgeons and Sports doctors

Hip and Groin Clinic
Pre and Post-Operative Physiotherapy Rehabilitation
Our Physiotherapy rehabilitation program is based on the Takla – O’Donnell Protocol (TOD).
The TOD protocol was recently utilised in the FAIR trial (a randomised controlled trial RCT) and was found to return patients to activity significantly faster than patients who had a standard exercise program. To date, this is the only physiotherapy rehabilitation program that has been tested. We are on hand to answer all your questions and explain anything you need to know relating to our techniques, treatments and management of your hip and groin pain through your individual physiotherapy plan.
Pre-operative Physiotherapy
Pre-operative Physiotherapy will improve your surgery knowledge and expectations, help you develop healthy behaviour and movements, and ultimately may reduce your post-operative recovery time. Pre-operative physiotherapy rehab and education refers to both the physical and educational intervention that is delivered before surgery by one of our physiotherapists.
During your Pre-op Physiotherapy session, you’ll be led through the surgical procedure, associated benefits and potential risks. Finally, after having your questions answered, you’ll be prescribed a tailored exercise program to prepare your body for surgery.
At Australian Sports Physiotherapy, our experienced physiotherapists will liaise with your surgeon and GP every step of the way; assisting you also with your post-operative rehab.
The benefits of Pre-op Physiotherapy includes:
- Normalise altered movement patterns associated with prolonged injury
- Prepare your mind for what to expect after surgery
- Set practical tasks and SMART goals to return to post surgery
- Initiate a tailored home-based exercise program to start day 1 post-surgery
- The ability to reduce post-operative length of stay and long-term rehab cost
- Access to ongoing support with your physiotherapist
Post-Operative Rehabilitation
Post-operative Physiotherapy or Rehabilitation is a vital component on your road to recovery and return to function.
After your surgery, our physiotherapy treatment will aim to initially reduce your post-surgical pain and swelling, restore early and safe movement patterns, and promote healthy healing.
Our tailored rehabilitation consults may include:
- Re-establish early joint movement
- Walking gait re-education
- Muscle strengthening through safe, progressive strength exercises
- Education regarding a safe return to function
- Home-based and gym exercises
- Return to work or sport specific assessment and programs
Our physiotherapists have numerous long-standing relationships with many orthopaedic surgeons; allowing us to stay up to date with developing surgical techniques and unique procedures; ultimately to aid your optimal recovery.
Common procedures that require post-operative rehabilitation may include:
- Total Hip and knee Replacement
- Hip Arthroscopy. Click here for more information.
- Knee arthroscopy
- Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) repair
- Shoulder replacement – reverse or anatomical
- Shoulder Rotator cuff repair
- Spinal fusion surgery
- Spinal discectomy and decompression
- Ankle and foot surgery
- Achilles tendon repair
1 Extra information and references:
Hip Arthroscopy Australia, 2018, Hip Pain, viewed on April 14th 2020
Griffin, D. R., Dickenson, E. J., O’Donnell, J., Awan, T., Beck, M., Clohisy, J. C., … & Hölmich, P. (2016). The Warwick Agreement on femoroacetabular impingement syndrome (FAI syndrome): an international consensus statement. British journal of sports medicine, 50(19), 1169-1176.
One single step
At Australian Sports Physiotherapy, we believe that a single step forward in the right direction can make all the difference in enhancing your quality of life.
One step further
Whether it’s weekly, fortnightly or monthly visits, restoring your physical health and mobility is our number one priority. Our physiotherapists are committed to providing the highest quality treatments that help you live without the restriction of your hip and groin pain or injury.
Our Locations
Servicing Melbourne and the surrounds
When things go wrong, and you are in pain, you want to know that your care and support is in the right hands. Visit us at one of our 4 locations.