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Author: Michael Rafla

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Ivanhoe Physio for Ankle Stability | Australian Sports Physiotherapy
Foot and Ankle Physio
Michael Rafla

Physio For Ankle Instability

Ankle instability can be a frustrating and limiting condition, affecting your ability to move and engage in physical activities. Whether you have experienced multiple ankle sprains or have a genetic predisposition to instability, finding ways to strengthen and stabilise your ankle is crucial. Physiotherapy can be a valuable tool for addressing ankle instability and improving

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Ivanhoe Physiotherapy for Quadriceps Tendinopathy | Australian Sports Physiotherapy
Sports Physio
Michael Rafla

Physiotherapy For Quadriceps Tendinopathy

Are you tired of dealing with the pain and discomfort of quadriceps tendinopathy? This common injury can be frustrating and debilitating, but there is hope for relief. Physiotherapy has been proven to be an effective treatment option for quadriceps tendinopathy, helping individuals regain strength, reduce pain, and improve their overall quality of life. If you’re

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Physiotherapy For Foot And Ankle Osteoarthritis | Australian Sports Physiotherapy
Michael Rafla

Physiotherapy For Foot And Ankle Osteoarthritis

Are you struggling with foot and ankle osteoarthritis? Are you looking for an effective treatment option to alleviate your pain and improve your mobility? Physiotherapy may be the solution you’ve been searching for. Foot and ankle osteoarthritis is a common condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It can cause pain, stiffness, and difficulty walking,

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Ankle Sprains Physiotherapy Ivanhoe Clinic | Australian Sports Physiotherapy
Foot and Ankle Physio
Michael Rafla

Physiotherapy Treatment for Ankle Sprains

Have you recently sprained your ankle? It can be a painful and frustrating experience, but with the proper treatment, you can recover quickly and get back on your feet. Physiotherapy is a highly effective treatment option for ankle sprains, helping to reduce pain, improve mobility, and prevent future injuries. Ankle sprains are among the most

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Iliotibial Band Syndrome Physiotherapy in Preston | Australian Sports Physiotherapy
Leg and Knee Physio
Michael Rafla

Physio For Iliotibial Band (ITB) Syndrome

Are you experiencing pain or discomfort on the outside of your knee during physical activity? You may suffer from iliotibial band (ITB) syndrome, a common injury among athletes and runners. But fear not because physiotherapy can be a highly effective treatment option for this condition. Iliotibial band syndrome is a condition that occurs when the

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Jumper's Knee Treatment Ivanhoe | Australian Sports Physiotherapy
Sports Physio
Michael Rafla

Sports Physiotherapy Treatment For Patellar Tendonitis (Jumper’s Knee)

Are you an athlete or someone who regularly engages in physical activity? If so, you may know the frustrating and painful condition known as patellar tendonitis or jumper’s knee. This common injury can significantly impact your performance and quality of life. Patellar tendonitis is a condition that affects the tendon connecting your kneecap to your

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Physio for Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome | Australian Sports Physiotherapy
Leg and Knee Physio
Michael Rafla

Physiotherapy For Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome

Patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) is a common condition that affects the knee joint. It is characterised by pain around or behind the kneecap, which can be aggravated by running, jumping, and climbing stairs. Fortunately, physiotherapy for PFPS has been clinically proven to relieve these pains and improve the affected area’s flexibility and strength. With targeted

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Ivanhoe Physiotherapist for Shin Splints
Leg and Knee Physio
Michael Rafla

Physiotherapy For Shin Splints

Do you suffer from shin splints? If so, know that you are not alone! Countless athletes and recreational exercisers face this common medical condition. Thankfully, physiotherapy can effectively reduce the tenderness associated with shin splints and help you fully recover and get back on track. Your physiotherapist can create a personalised treatment plan tailored specifically

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Melbourne Physiotherapy Treatment for Meniscus Tear | Australian Sports Physiotherapy
Leg and Knee Physio
Michael Rafla

Physiotherapy Treatment For A Meniscus Tear

You may feel overwhelmed and anxious about your treatment options if you’ve recently been diagnosed with a meniscus tear. Physiotherapy is often a recommended treatment for these types of tears and can help to reduce pain and restore function. Rest assured, several physiotherapy solutions are available to help you recover and return to your daily

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Physiotherapy For Achilles Tendinopathy | Australian Sports Physiotherapy
Foot and Ankle Physio
Michael Rafla

Physiotherapy For Achilles Tendinopathy

Achilles tendinopathy is a common problem affecting athletes and non-athletes alike.  Tendons connect muscle groups to bones, allowing us to move our limbs. They also provide stability to joints, such as the ankle or knee. When they become injured, they can cause problems. There are several treatment options for Achilles tendinopathy, ranging from rest to

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Physiotherapy for Rheumatoid Arthritis | Australian Sports
Leg and Knee Physio
Michael Rafla

Physiotherapy For Rheumatoid Arthritis

If you’ve been living with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), you know that it can be a challenging condition to manage. Many therapies are available to help ease your symptoms and improve your quality of life. Among the most effective treatments is physiotherapy. Physiotherapists understand the mechanics of bones, joints, and muscles working together, as well as

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Physiotherapy For Ankle Impingement
Foot and Ankle Physio
Michael Rafla

Physiotherapy For Ankle Impingement

Ankle impingement is common when the ankle joint becomes inflamed or swollen, typically due to injury or repetitive stress. The pain associated with this condition can be severe and debilitating. Athletes often suffer from ankle injuries because they play too much and don’t give their ankles enough time off. If left untreated, these injuries can

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